Arabic Extended-B

Unicode character block
(2021)41 (+41)16.0 (2024)42 (+1) Unicode documentationCode chart ∣ Web pageNote: [1][2]

Arabic Extended-B is a Unicode block encoding Qur'anic annotations and letter variants used for various non-Arabic languages. The block also includes currency symbols and an abbreviation mark.[3]


Arabic Extended-B[1][2]
Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+089x  ࢐   ࢑ 
1.^ As of Unicode version 16.0
2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Arabic Extended-B block:

Version Final code points[a] Count L2 ID WG2 ID Document
14.0 U+0870..0888, 089D..089F 28 L2/19-306 N5142 Pournader, Roozbeh; Anderson, Deborah (2019-09-29), Arabic additions for Quranic orthographies
L2/19-343 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Moore, Lisa; Liang, Hai (2019-10-06), "a. Additions for Quranic orthographies", Recommendations to UTC #161 October 2019 on Script Proposals
L2/19-323 Moore, Lisa (2019-10-01), "Consensus 161-C4", UTC #161 Minutes
L2/20-105 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Moore, Lisa; Constable, Peter; Liang, Hai (2020-04-20), "3f. Comments on L2/19-306", Recommendations to UTC #163 April 2020 on Script Proposals
U+0889..088A 2 L2/19-339 Jacquerye, Denis Moyogo (2019-10-03), Proposal to encode Bosnian Arabic characters
L2/19-343 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Moore, Lisa; Liang, Hai (2019-10-06), "d. Bosnian Arabic characters", Recommendations to UTC #161 October 2019 on Script Proposals
L2/19-323 Moore, Lisa (2019-10-01), "C.6.5", UTC #161 Minutes
U+088B..088D 3 L2/19-340 Jacquerye, Denis Moyogo (2019-10-03), Proposal to encode Javanese and Sundanese Arabic characters
L2/19-323 Moore, Lisa (2019-10-01), "C.6.6", UTC #161 Minutes
U+088E 1 L2/20-071R Pournader, Roozbeh; Izadpanah, Borna (2020-05-01), Proposal to encode an Arabic tail character used for abbreviation
L2/20-105 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Moore, Lisa; Constable, Peter; Liang, Hai (2020-04-20), "3b. Arabic Tail Character", Recommendations to UTC #163 April 2020 on Script Proposals
L2/20-102 Moore, Lisa (2020-05-06), "Consensus 163-C26", UTC #163 Minutes
U+0890..0891 2 L2/20-245 Hosny, Khaled; Pournader, Roozbeh (2020-09-09), Proposal to encode three Arabic symbols
L2/20-250 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Moore, Lisa; Constable, Peter; Liang, Hai (2020-10-01), "5a. Three Symbols", Recommendations to UTC #165 October 2020 on Script Proposals
L2/20-237 Moore, Lisa (2020-10-27), "Consensus 165-C15", UTC #165 Minutes
U+0898..089C 5 L2/20-089 Syarifuddin, M. Mahali (2020-02-28), Proposal to Encode Characters from Indonesian Orthography of Quran
L2/20-105 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Moore, Lisa; Constable, Peter; Liang, Hai (2020-04-20), "3c. Indonesian Orthography of Quran", Recommendations to UTC #163 April 2020 on Script Proposals
L2/20-102 Moore, Lisa (2020-05-06), "Consensus 163-C14", UTC #163 Minutes
16.0 U+0897 1 L2/22-116 Sh., Rikza F. (2022-05-22), Proposal to Encode Four Pegon Characters
L2/22-128 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Constable, Peter (2022-07-20), "4b Pegon", Recommendations to UTC #172 July 2022 on Script Proposals
L2/22-121 Constable, Peter (2022-08-01), "D.1.4b Four Arabic Pegon Characters", Draft Minutes of UTC Meeting 172
L2/23-157 Constable, Peter (2023-07-31), "Consensus 176-C17", UTC #176 Minutes, The UTC approves the change of canonical combining class for U+0897 ARABIC PEPET to ccc=230, from ccc=0
  1. ^ Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names


  1. ^ "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  2. ^ "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  3. ^ The Unicode Consortium. The Unicode Standard, Version 14.0.0, (Mountain View, CA: The Unicode Consortium, 2011. ISBN 978-1-936213-29-0), Chapter 9