Bernhard Sickmann

  • From a person(s): This is a redirect from a person or persons' name to a related article or section that describes the person(s).
    • It is a topic more specific than currently provided on the target article or a section of that article, hence this redirect is a potential article that may be suitable for expansion in accordance with Wikipedia's notability policy on biographies of notable people. The magic word {{DEFAULTSORT:Sickmann, Bernhard}} should be included below the #REDIRECT code in this page for correct category sorting of this person's name.
  • To an embedded anchor: This is a redirect from a topic that does not have its own page to an embedded anchor on the redirect's target page.
    • An {{anchor|(anchor name)}} or {{visible anchor}} template, a HTML element with id="(anchor name)", or an |id=(anchor name) parameter might be installed at the beginning of a paragraph, in or near a section header or within a table. The anchor might also be an old section header that has been edited and is anchored within or near the new header to prevent broken internal and external links.
    • Even though section headers of the general form ==(Header name)== are themselves a type of anchor, use {{R to section}} instead.