Brailo Tezalović

15th century Bosnian nobleman

Brailo Tezalović
Knez (English: Lord)
carinik (toll officer)
Occupationin service of Pavlovićs as carinik (toll officer)

Brailo Tezalović (Serbian Cyrillic: Браило Тезаловић, Latin: Braylus Thessalovich;[1] fl. 1392–1433) was a Bosnian knez and merchant, nobleman and diplomat, who served Bosnian magnate Pavle Radinović and his family, with the court title of carinik (customs official). Brailo was born into a merchant family from Prača in eastern Bosnia, the son of Mihoje and Vladija, and grandson of Radan.[2] He had three younger brothers, Bogiša, Hval, and Vukosav.[3] Brailo was first mentioned in a document dated to June 1392, then mentioned in February 1399 as a customs official (carinik) of count (knez) Pavle Radinović in Ledenice.[4] In the following years he was a diplomat in the service of the Pavlović noble family.[4] Brailo Tezalović, Bogdan Muržić and Brajko Hvaonić, all from Prača, were the biggest merchants in Bosnia of their time.[5] The main article of commerce was lead, likely mostly from the lead mines in Olovo.[5] The debts of individuals in Bosnia were different and ranged around 100 ducats, but sometimes could cross over 1000 ducats (merchants from Prača reaching the largest individual credits[6]); Brailo, as the representative of another merchant from Prača (Brajko Hvaonić[6]), raised the credit to 2965 ducats.[7] In 1411, Brailo is mentioned as the protovestijar of Pavle for the first time.[8] Only in 1413, Brailo sent 11,5 wagons of lead to the Republic of Ragusa.[9] He was first mentioned with the title of knez on 31 July 1421, and was inscribed as a witness in the charters of the Pavlović in 1427, 1432 and 1433.[4] His importance at the Pavlović court is evident from the fact that the Ragusans viewed him as an especially important person in the discussions over the sale of Konavle; when the sale was finalized, Brailo received 500 ducats and a parcel of land from Ragusa.[4] He was mentioned as deceased on 28 January 1446.[4]

In ca. 1466, nine noblemen from Hum stated before the Ragusan government that they had "served and courted together with knez Brailo and his brother for lord vojvoda Pavle Radinović.[10]


  1. ^ Samardžić, Radovan (1984). Liber Viridis. Српска академија наука и уметности. p. 484.
  2. ^ Rudić 2006, p. 225.
  3. ^ Rudić 2006, pp. 225–226.
  4. ^ a b c d e Rudić 2006, p. 226.
  5. ^ a b Mišić 2010, p. 217.
  6. ^ a b Kovačević-Kojić 1978, p. 177.
  7. ^ Ćirković & Mihaljčić 1999, pp. 327–328.
  8. ^ Živković 2002.
  9. ^ Kovačević-Kojić 1978, p. 153.
  10. ^ Istorisko društvo Bosne i Hercegovine (1954). Annuaire de la Société historique de Bosnie et Herzégovine. Vol. 6. Istorisko društvo Bosne i Hercegovine. p. 43.


  • Ćirković, Sima; Mihaljčić, Rade (1999). Лексикон српског средњег века (in Serbian). Knowledge. ISBN 9788683233014.
  • Dunić, Mihailo (1967). Les Familles nobles de Hum et de Trebinje ... (in Serbian). Académie serbe des sciences et des arts. p. 50.
  • Kovačević-Kojić, Desanka (1978). Agglomérations urbaines dans l'état médiéval bosniaque (in Serbian). Veselin Masleša.
  • Kurtović, Esad (2010). Из хисторије банкарства Босне и Дубровника у средњем вијеку (улагање новца на добит) (in Serbian). Istorijski institut. pp. 109–116. ISBN 978-86-7743-083-2.
  • Mihić, Ljubo (1975). Ljubinje sa okolinom (in Serbian). Dragan Srnic. p. 101.
  • Mišić, Siniša (2010). Лексикон градова и тргова средњовековних српских земаља: према писаним изворима (in Serbian). Завод за уџбенике. ISBN 978-86-17-16604-3.
  • Rudić, Srdjan (2006). Властела Илирског грбовника: The Nobility of the Illyric Coat of Arms (in Serbian). Istorijski institut Beograd. pp. 225–226. ISBN 978-86-7743-055-9.

Further reading

  • Vuković, Tamara (2013). Писмо Дубровчана кнезу Павлу Раденовићу поводом олова које је држао у њиховом граду (PDF). Грађа о прошлости Босне (in Serbian). 6. Banja Luka: Академија наука и умјетности Републике Српске: 37–44.
  • Živković, Pavo (1973). "Baštinici zaostavštine Braila Tezalovića". Prilozi (in Croatian). IX (1). Sarajevo: Institut za istoriju Sarajevo: 319–325.
  • Živković, Pavo (1974). "Diplomatska aktivnost Braila Tezalovića". Prilozi (in Croatian). X (II). Sarajevo: Institut za istoriju Sarajevo: 31–53.
  • Živković, Pavo (1980). "Kreditno-trgovačke veze Braila Tezalovića sa Dubrovčanima" (PDF). Zgodnovinski časopis (in Croatian). 34 (3): 299–311. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-06-03.
  • Živković, Pavo (2002). "Brailo Tezalović, komornik, protovestijar i diplomata na dvoru Pavlovića". Iz Srednjovjekovne Povijesti Bosne I Huma (in Croatian). Osijek: 221–22.