Lists of acronyms

Lists of acronyms contain acronyms, a type of abbreviation formed from the initial components of the words of a longer name or phrase. They are organized alphabetically and by field.


  • List of acronyms: 0–9
  • List of acronyms: A
  • List of acronyms: B
  • List of acronyms: C
  • List of acronyms: D
  • List of acronyms: E
  • List of acronyms: F
  • List of acronyms: G
  • List of acronyms: H
  • List of acronyms: I
  • List of acronyms: J
  • List of acronyms: K
  • List of acronyms: L
  • List of acronyms: M
  • List of acronyms: N
  • List of acronyms: O
  • List of acronyms: P
  • List of acronyms: Q
  • List of acronyms: R
  • List of acronyms: S
  • List of acronyms: T
  • List of acronyms: U
  • List of acronyms: V
  • List of acronyms: W
  • List of acronyms: X
  • List of acronyms: Y
  • List of acronyms: Z

By topic

See also

  • Lists of abbreviations
  • List of portmanteaus
Disambiguation icon
This article includes a language-related list of lists.