Square packing

Two-dimensional packing problem

Square packing is a packing problem where the objective is to determine how many congruent squares can be packed into some larger shape, often a square or circle.

Square packing in a square

Square packing in a square is the problem of determining the maximum number of unit squares (squares of side length one) that can be packed inside a larger square of side length a {\displaystyle a} . If a {\displaystyle a} is an integer, the answer is a 2 , {\displaystyle a^{2},} but the precise – or even asymptotic – amount of unfilled space for an arbitrary non-integer a {\displaystyle a} is an open question.[1]

5 unit squares in a square of side length 2 + 1 / 2 2.707 {\displaystyle 2+1/{\sqrt {2}}\approx 2.707}
10 unit squares in a square of side length 3 + 1 / 2 3.707 {\displaystyle 3+1/{\sqrt {2}}\approx 3.707}
11 unit squares in a square of side length a 3.877084 {\displaystyle a\approx 3.877084}

The smallest value of a {\displaystyle a} that allows the packing of n {\displaystyle n} unit squares is known when n {\displaystyle n} is a perfect square (in which case it is n {\displaystyle {\sqrt {n}}} ), as well as for n = {\displaystyle n={}} 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 24, 34, 35, 46, 47, and 48. For most of these numbers (with the exceptions only of 5 and 10), the packing is the natural one with axis-aligned squares, and a {\displaystyle a} is n {\displaystyle \lceil {\sqrt {n}}\,\rceil } , where   {\displaystyle \lceil \,\ \rceil } is the ceiling (round up) function.[2][3] The figure shows the optimal packings for 5 and 10 squares, the two smallest numbers of squares for which the optimal packing involves tilted squares.[4][5]

The smallest unresolved case is n = 11 {\displaystyle n=11} . It is known that 11 unit squares cannot be packed in a square of side length less than 2 + 2 4 / 5 3.789 {\displaystyle \textstyle 2+2{\sqrt {4/5}}\approx 3.789} . By contrast, the tightest known packing of 11 squares is inside a square of side length approximately 3.877084 found by Walter Trump.[4][6]

The smallest case where the best known packing involves squares at three different angles is n = 17 {\displaystyle n=17} . It was discovered in 1998 by John Bidwell, an undergraduate student at the University of Hawaiʻi, and has side length a 4.6756 {\displaystyle a\approx 4.6756} .[4]

Asymptotic results

Unsolved problem in mathematics:
What is the asymptotic growth rate of wasted space for square packing in a half-integer square?

For larger values of the side length a {\displaystyle a} , the exact number of unit squares that can pack an a × a {\displaystyle a\times a} square remains unknown. It is always possible to pack a a × a {\displaystyle \lfloor a\rfloor \!\times \!\lfloor a\rfloor } grid of axis-aligned unit squares, but this may leave a large area, approximately 2 a ( a a ) {\displaystyle 2a(a-\lfloor a\rfloor )} , uncovered and wasted.[4] Instead, Paul Erdős and Ronald Graham showed that for a different packing by tilted unit squares, the wasted space could be significantly reduced to o ( a 7 / 11 ) {\displaystyle o(a^{7/11})} (here written in little o notation).[7] Later, Graham and Fan Chung further reduced the wasted space to O ( a 3 / 5 ) {\displaystyle O(a^{3/5})} .[8] However, as Klaus Roth and Bob Vaughan proved, all solutions must waste space at least Ω ( a 1 / 2 ( a a ) ) {\displaystyle \Omega {\bigl (}a^{1/2}(a-\lfloor a\rfloor ){\bigr )}} . In particular, when a {\displaystyle a} is a half-integer, the wasted space is at least proportional to its square root.[9] The precise asymptotic growth rate of the wasted space, even for half-integer side lengths, remains an open problem.[1]

Some numbers of unit squares are never the optimal number in a packing. In particular, if a square of size a × a {\displaystyle a\times a} allows the packing of n 2 2 {\displaystyle n^{2}-2} unit squares, then it must be the case that a n {\displaystyle a\geq n} and that a packing of n 2 {\displaystyle n^{2}} unit squares is also possible.[2]

Square packing in a circle

Square packing in a circle is a related problem of packing n unit squares into a circle with radius as small as possible. For this problem, good solutions are known for n up to 35. Here are minimum solutions for n up to 12:[10]

Number of squares Circle radius
1 0.707...
2 1.118...
3 1.288...
4 1.414...
5 1.581...
6 1.688...
7 1.802...
8 1.978...
9 2.077...
10 2.121...
11 2.214...
12 2.236...

See also


  1. ^ a b Brass, Peter; Moser, William; Pach, János (2005), Research Problems in Discrete Geometry, New York: Springer, p. 45, ISBN 978-0387-23815-9, LCCN 2005924022, MR 2163782
  2. ^ a b Kearney, Michael J.; Shiu, Peter (2002), "Efficient packing of unit squares in a square", Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 9 (1), Research Paper 14, 14 pp., doi:10.37236/1631, MR 1912796
  3. ^ Bentz, Wolfram (2010), "Optimal packings of 13 and 46 unit squares in a square", The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 17 (R126), arXiv:1606.03746, doi:10.37236/398, MR 2729375
  4. ^ a b c d Friedman, Erich (2009), "Packing unit squares in squares: a survey and new results", Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Dynamic Survey 7, doi:10.37236/28, MR 1668055
  5. ^ Stromquist, Walter (2003), "Packing 10 or 11 unit squares in a square", Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 10, Research Paper 8, doi:10.37236/1701, MR 2386538
  6. ^ The 2000 version of Friedman (2009) listed this side length as 3.8772; the tighter bound stated here is from Gensane, Thierry; Ryckelynck, Philippe (2005), "Improved dense packings of congruent squares in a square", Discrete & Computational Geometry, 34 (1): 97–109, doi:10.1007/s00454-004-1129-z, MR 2140885
  7. ^ Erdős, P.; Graham, R. L. (1975), "On packing squares with equal squares" (PDF), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 19: 119–123, doi:10.1016/0097-3165(75)90099-0, MR 0370368
  8. ^ Chung, Fan; Graham, Ron (2020), "Efficient packings of unit squares in a large square" (PDF), Discrete & Computational Geometry, 64 (3): 690–699, doi:10.1007/s00454-019-00088-9
  9. ^ Roth, K. F.; Vaughan, R. C. (1978), "Inefficiency in packing squares with unit squares", Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 24 (2): 170–186, doi:10.1016/0097-3165(78)90005-5, MR 0487806
  10. ^ Friedman, Erich, Squares in Circles