Walk-regular graph

Mathematical Graph

In discrete mathematics, a walk-regular graph is a simple graph where the number of closed walks of any length from a vertex to itself does not depend on the choice of vertex.

Equivalent definitions

Suppose that G {\displaystyle G} is a simple graph. Let A {\displaystyle A} denote the adjacency matrix of G {\displaystyle G} , V ( G ) {\displaystyle V(G)} denote the set of vertices of G {\displaystyle G} , and Φ G v ( x ) {\displaystyle \Phi _{G-v}(x)} denote the characteristic polynomial of the vertex-deleted subgraph G v {\displaystyle G-v} for all v V ( G ) . {\displaystyle v\in V(G).} Then the following are equivalent:

  • G {\displaystyle G} is walk-regular.
  • A k {\displaystyle A^{k}} is a constant-diagonal matrix for all k 0. {\displaystyle k\geq 0.}
  • Φ G u ( x ) = Φ G v ( x ) {\displaystyle \Phi _{G-u}(x)=\Phi _{G-v}(x)} for all u , v V ( G ) . {\displaystyle u,v\in V(G).}


  • The vertex-transitive graphs are walk-regular.
  • The semi-symmetric graphs are walk-regular.[1][unreliable source]
  • The distance-regular graphs are walk-regular. More generally, any simple graph in a homogeneous coherent algebra is walk-regular.
  • A connected regular graph is walk-regular if:[dubious – discuss][citation needed]
    • It has at most four distinct eigenvalues.
    • It is triangle-free and has at most five distinct eigenvalues.
    • It is bipartite and has at most six distinct eigenvalues.


  • A walk-regular graph is necessarily a regular graph.
  • Complements of walk-regular graphs are walk-regular.
  • Cartesian products of walk-regular graphs are walk-regular.
  • Categorical products of walk-regular graphs are walk-regular.
  • Strong products of walk-regular graphs are walk-regular.
  • In general, the line graph of a walk-regular graph is not walk-regular.

k-walk-regular graphs

A graph is k {\displaystyle k} -walk regular if for any two vertices v {\displaystyle v} and w {\displaystyle w} of distance at most k , {\displaystyle k,} the number of walks of length l {\displaystyle l} from v {\displaystyle v} to w {\displaystyle w} depends only on k {\displaystyle k} and l {\displaystyle l} . [2]

For k = 0 {\displaystyle k=0} these are exactly the walk-regular graphs.

If k {\displaystyle k} is at least the diameter of the graph, then the k {\displaystyle k} -walk regular graphs coincide with the distance-regular graphs. In fact, if k 2 {\displaystyle k\geq 2} and the graph has an eigenvalue of multiplicity at most k {\displaystyle k} (except for eigenvalues d {\displaystyle d} and d {\displaystyle -d} , where d {\displaystyle d} is the degree of the graph), then the graph is already distance-regular. [3]


  1. ^ "Are there only finitely many distinct cubic walk-regular graphs that are neither vertex-transitive nor distance-regular?". mathoverflow.net. Retrieved 2017-07-21.
  2. ^ Cristina Dalfó, Miguel Angel Fiol, and Ernest Garriga, "On k {\displaystyle k} -Walk-Regular Graphs," Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 16(1) (2009), article R47.
  3. ^ Marc Camara et al., "Geometric aspects of 2-walk-regular graphs," Linear Algebra and its Applications 439(9) (2013), 2692-2710.
  • Chris Godsil and Brendan McKay, Feasibility conditions for the existence of walk-regular graphs.