Perang Koalisi Kedua

Koalisi Kedua
Bagian dari Peperangan Revolusioner Prancis

Louis-François Lejeune: Pertempuran Marengo
LokasiEropa, Timur Tengah, Laut Tengah, Laut Caribbean

Kemenangan Prancis, Perjanjian Lunéville, Perjanjian Amiens

  • Republik Prancis selamat
  • Aneksasi sebelumnya oleh Prancis terkonfirmasi
  • Perselisihan berlanjut pada 1803 dengan pembentukan Koalisi Ketiga melawan Prancis
Pihak terlibat

Koalisi Kedua:

 Kekaisaran Romawi Suci[1]
Monarki Habsburg Austria
 Britania Raya (sampai 1801)
 Britania Raya (dari 1801)
 Kekaisaran Rusia (sampai 1799)
Kerajaan Prancis Royalis Prancis
 Kerajaan Naples
Ordo Militer Berdaulat Malta Ordo Santo Yohanes (1798)
Malta (1798-1800)
 Kekaisaran Ottoman

Legiun Polandia
Denmark Denmark–Norwegia[2]
Republik klien Prancis:

  •  Republik Batavia
  •  Republik Helvetik
  • Kerajaan Italia (Napoleon) Republik Cisalpine
  • Kerajaan Italia (Napoleon) Republik Roma (sampai 1799)[3]
  • Kerajaan Italia (Napoleon) Republik Parthenopaean (1799)[4]
Tokoh dan pemimpin
  • Monarki Habsburg Franz II
  • Perserikatan Kerajaan Britania Raya dan Irlandia William Pitt (sampai 1801)
  • Perserikatan Kerajaan Britania Raya dan Irlandia Henry Addington (dari 1801)
  • Kekaisaran Rusia Paulus I (sampai 1799)
  • Portugal Maria I
  • Kerajaan Napoli Ferdinand IV
  • Ordo Militer Berdaulat Malta Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim  Menyerah
  • l
  • b
  • s
Perang Koalisi Kedua
  • Corfu
  • Ostrach
  • Feldkirch
  • Stockach ke-1
  • Verona
  • Magnano
  • Cassano
  • Bassignana
  • Winterthur
  • Zurich ke-1
  • Modena
  • Trebbia
  • Mantua
  • Novi
  • Callantsoog
  • Insiden Vlieter
  • Krabbendam
  • Mannheim
  • Bergen
  • Zurich ke-2
  • Alkmaar
  • Castricum
  • Genola
  • Wiesloch
  • Genoa
  • Hohentwiel
  • Stockach ke-2
  • Messkirch
  • Biberach
  • Benteng Bard
  • Montebello
  • Marengo
  • Höchstädt
  • Neuburg
  • Ampfing
  • Hohenlinden
  • Mincio
  • Copenhagen
  • Algeciras (ke-1 • ke-2)
  • Porto Ferrajo

Ikhtisar strategis dari operasi-operasi di Eropa dan Laut Tengah pada 1798–1799

Perang Koalisi Kedua (1798–1802) adalah sebuah perang kedua pada masa revolusi Prancis oleh para monarki konservatif Eropa, yang dipimpin oleh Inggris, Austria dan Rusia, dan meliputi Kekaisaran Ottoman, Portugal dan Naples. Tujuan mereka adalah membuat Prancis menjadi republik. Mereka gagal untuk meruntuhkan rezim revolusioner dan mendapatkan wilayah Prancis sejak 1793 yang terkonfirmasi. Persekutuan tersebut membuat sebuah aliansi baru dan berupaya untuk membalas penaklukan militer Prancis pada masa sebelumnya.


Catatan dan kutipan

  1. ^ Secara nominal Kekaisaran Romawi Suci, yang meliputi Belanda Austria dan Kadipaten Milan yang berada dibawah kekuasaan langsung Austria. Terdapat pula beberapa negara Italia lainnya serta negara Habsburg lainnya seperti Kadipaten Agung Toskana.
  2. ^ Secara resmi netral namun armada Denmark diserang oleh Inggris di Pertempuran Copenhagen.
  3. ^ Dibubarkan setelah pengembalian Negara Gereja yang netral pada 1799.
  4. ^ Negara berumur pendek yang digantikan Kerajaan Naples pada 1799.

Daftar pustaka

  • Acerbi, Enrico. "The 1799 Campaign in Italy: Klenau and Ott Vanguards and the Coalition’s Left Wing April–June 1799". Napoleon Series, Robert Burnham, editor in chief. March 2008. Retrieved 30 October 2009.
  • Ashton, John. English caricature and satire on Napoleon I. London: Chatto & Windus, 1888.
  • Blanning, Timothy. The French Revolutionary Wars. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996, ISBN 0-340-56911-5.
  • Boycott-Brown, Martin. The Road to Rivoli. London: Cassell & Co., 2001. ISBN 0-304-35305-1.
  • Bruce, Robert B. et al. Fighting techniques of the Napoleonic Age, 1792–1815. New York: Thomas Dunne Books, St. Martin's Press, 2008, 978-0312375874
  • Chandler, David. The Campaigns of Napoleon. New York: Macmillan, 1966. ISBN 978-0-02-523660-8; comprehensive coverage of N's battles
  • Dwyer, Philip. Napoleon: The Path to Power (2008) excerpt vol 1
  • Englund, Steven (2010). Napoleon: A Political Life. Scribner. 
  • Gill, John. Thunder on the Danube Napoleon's Defeat of the Habsburgs, Volume 1. London: Frontline Books, 2008, ISBN 978-1-84415-713-6.
  • Griffith, Paddy. The Art of War of Revolutionary France, 1789-1802 (1998)
  • Hochedlinger, Michael. Austria's Wars of Emergence 1683–1797. London: Pearson, 2003, ISBN 0-582-29084-8.
  • Kagan, Frederick W. The End of the Old Order. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press 2006, ISBN 978-0-306-81545-4.
  • Mackesy, Piers. British Victory in Egypt: The End of Napoleon's Conquest (2010)
  • Mackesy, Piers. War Without Victory: The Downfall of Pitt, 1799-1802 (1984)
  • Markham, Felix (1963). Napoleon. Mentor. ; 303pp; short biography by an Oxford scholar
  • McLynn, Frank (1998). Napoleon. Pimlico. ISBN 0-7126-6247-2. ; well-written popular history
  • Pivka, Otto von. Armies of the Napoleonic Era. New York: Taplinger Publishing, 1979. ISBN 0-8008-5471-3
  • Phipps, Ramsay Weston. The Armies of the First French Republic, volume 5: The armies of the Rhine in Switzerland, Holland, Italy, Egypt and the coup d'état of Brumaire, 1797–1799, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1939.
  • Roberts, Andrew. Napoleon: A Life (2014)
  • Rodger, Alexander Bankier. The War of the Second Coalition: 1798 to 1801, a strategic commentary (Clarendon Press, 1964)
  • Rothenberg, Gunther E. Napoleon’s Great Adversaries: Archduke Charles and the Austrian Army 1792–1814. Spellmount: Stroud, (Gloucester), 2007. ISBN 978-1-86227-383-2.
  • Schroeder, Paul W. "The Collapse of the Second Coalition," Journal of Modern History (1987) 59#2 pp. 244–290 in JSTOR
  • Schroeder, Paul W. The Transformation of European Politics 1763-1848 (1994) 920pp; advanced history and analysis of major diplomacy online
  • Smith, Digby. The Napoleonic Wars Data Book. London: Greenhill, 1998. ISBN 1-85367-276-9
  • _____. Klenau. "Mesko". "Quosdanovich". Leopold Kudrna and Digby Smith (compilers). A biographical dictionary of all Austrian Generals in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, 1792–1815. The Napoleon Series, Robert Burnham, editor in chief. April 2008 version. Retrieved 19 October 2009.
  • _____. Charge! Great cavalry charges of the Napoleonic Wars. London: Greenhill, 2007. ISBN 978-1-85367-722-9
  • Thompson, J.M. (1951). Napoleon Bonaparte: His Rise and Fall. Oxford U.P. , 412pp; by an Oxford scholar

Pranala luar

Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai War of the Second Coalition.
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Peristiwa sipil dan politik yang signifikan menurut tahun
  • Day of the Tiles (7 Jun 1788)
  • Assembly of Vizille (21 Jul 1788)
  • What Is the Third Estate? (Jan 1789)
  • Réveillon riots (28 Apr 1789)
  • Convocation of the Estates-General (5 May 1789)
  • Death of the Dauphin (4 June 1789)
  • National Assembly (17 Jun – 9 Jul 1790)
  • Tennis Court Oath (20 Jun 1789)
  • National Constituent Assembly (9 Jul – 30 Sep 1791)
  • Storming of the Bastille (14 Jul 1789)
  • Great Fear (20 Jul – 5 Aug 1789)
  • Abolition of Feudalism (4-11 Aug 1789)
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (27 Aug 1789)
  • Women's March on Versailles (5 Oct 1789)
  • Abolition of the Parlements (Feb–Jul 1790)
  • Abolition of the Nobility (19 Jun 1790)
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy (12 Jul 1790)
  • Fête de la Fédération (14 Jul 1790)
  • Flight to Varennes (20–21 Jun 1791)
  • Champ de Mars Massacre (17 Jul 1791)
  • Declaration of Pillnitz (27 Aug 1791)
  • The Constitution of 1791 (3 Sep 1791)
  • Legislative Assembly (1 Oct 1791 – Sep 1792)
  • France declares war (20 Apr 1792)
  • Brunswick Manifesto (25 Jul 1792)
  • Paris Commune becomes insurrectionary (Jun 1792)
  • 10th of August (10 Aug 1792)
  • September Massacres (Sep 1792)
  • National Convention (20 Sep 1792 – 26 Oct 1795)
  • First republic declared (22 Sep 1792)
  • Execution of Louis XVI (21 Jan 1793)
  • Revolutionary Tribunal (9 Mar 1793 – 31 May 1795)
  • Reign of Terror (27 Jun 1793 – 27 Jul 1794)
    • Committee of Public Safety
    • Committee of General Security
  • Fall of the Girondists (2 Jun 1793)
  • Assassination of Marat (13 Jul 1793)
  • Levée en masse (23 Aug 1793)
  • The Death of Marat (painting)
  • Law of Suspects (17 Sep 1793)
  • Marie Antoinette is guillotined (16 Oct 1793)
  • Anti-clerical laws (throughout the year)
  • Danton and Desmoulins guillotined (5 Apr 1794)
  • Law of 22 Prairial (10 Jun 1794)
  • Thermidorian Reaction (27 Jul 1794)
  • Robespierre guillotined (28 Jul 1794)
  • White Terror (Fall 1794)
  • Closing of the Jacobin Club (11 Nov 1794)
  • Constitution of the Year III (22 Aug 1795)
  • Conspiracy of the Equals (Nov 1795)
  • Directoire (1795–99)
    • Council of Five Hundred
    • Council of Ancients
  • 13 Vendémiaire 5 Oct 1795
  • Coup of 18 Fructidor (4 Sep 1797)
  • Second Congress of Rastatt (Dec 1797)
  • Coup of 30 Prairial VII (18 Jun 1799)
  • Coup of 18 Brumaire (9 Nov 1799)
  • Constitution of the Year VIII (24 Dec 1799)
  • Consulate
Operasi militer revolusioner
  • Verdun
  • Thionville
  • Valmy
  • Royalist Revolts
    • Chouannerie
    • Vendée
    • Dauphiné
  • Lille
  • Siege of Mainz
  • Jemappes
  • Namur [fr]
  • First Coalition
  • War in the Vendée
  • Battle of Neerwinden)
  • Battle of Famars (23 May 1793)
  • Expédition de Sardaigne (21 Dec 1792 - 25 May 1793)
  • Battle of Kaiserslautern
  • Siege of Mainz
  • Battle of Wattignies
  • Battle of Hondschoote
  • Siege of Bellegarde
  • Battle of Peyrestortes (Pyrenees)
  • Siege of Toulon (18 Sep – 18 Dec 1793)
  • First Battle of Wissembourg (13 Oct 1793)
  • Battle of Truillas (Pyrenees)
  • Second Battle of Wissembourg (26–27 Dec 1793)
  • Battle of Villers-en-Cauchies (24 Apr 1794)
  • Battle of Boulou (Pyrenees) (30 Apr – 1 May 1794)
  • Battle of Tourcoing (18 May 1794)
  • Battle of Tournay (22 May 1794)
  • Battle of Fleurus (26 Jun 1794)
  • Chouannerie
  • Battle of Aldenhoven (2 Oct 1794)
  • Peace of Basel
  • Battle of Lonato (3–4 Aug 1796)
  • Battle of Castiglione (5 Aug 1796)
  • Battle of Theiningen
  • Battle of Neresheim (11 Aug 1796)
  • Battle of Amberg (24 Aug 1796)
  • Battle of Würzburg (3 Sep 1796)
  • Battle of Rovereto (4 Sep 1796)
  • First Battle of Bassano (8 Sep 1796)
  • Battle of Emmendingen (19 Oct 1796)
  • Battle of Schliengen (26 Oct 1796)
  • Second Battle of Bassano (6 Nov 1796)
  • Battle of Calliano (6–7 Nov 1796)
  • Battle of the Bridge of Arcole (15–17 Nov 1796)
  • The Ireland Expedition (Dec 1796)
  • Naval Engagement off Brittany (13 Jan 1797)
  • Battle of Rivoli (14–15 Jan 1797)
  • Battle of the Bay of Cádiz (25 Jan 1797)
  • Treaty of Leoben (17 Apr 1797)
  • Battle of Neuwied (18 Apr 1797)
  • Treaty of Campo Formio (17 Oct 1797)
  • French invasion of Switzerland (28 January – 17 May 1798)
  • French Invasion of Egypt (1798–1801)
  • Irish Rebellion of 1798 (23 May – 23 Sep 1798)
  • Quasi-War (1798–1800)
  • Peasants' War (12 Oct – 5 Dec 1798)
  • Second Coalition (1798–1802)
  • Siege of Acre (20 Mar – 21 May 1799)
  • Battle of Ostrach (20–21 Mar 1799)
  • Battle of Stockach (25 Mar 1799)
  • Battle of Magnano (5 Apr 1799)
  • Battle of Cassano (27 Apr 1799)
  • First Battle of Zurich (4–7 Jun 1799)
  • Battle of Trebbia (19 Jun 1799)
  • Battle of Novi (15 Aug 1799)
  • Second Battle of Zurich (25–26 Sep 1799)
  • Battle of Marengo (14 Jun 1800)
  • Convention of Alessandria (15 Jun 1800)
  • Battle of Hohenlinden (3 Dec 1800)
  • League of Armed Neutrality (1800–02)
  • Treaty of Lunéville (9 Feb 1801)
  • Treaty of Florence (18 Mar 1801)
  • Algeciras Campaign (8 Jul 1801)
  • Treaty of Amiens (25 Mar 1802)
Pemimpin militer
Prancis Angkatan Darat
Prancis French Navy
  • Charles-Alexandre Linois
Kekaisaran Austria Austria
  • József Alvinczi
  • Charles, Adipati Teschen
  • Count of Clerfayt (Walloon)
  • Karl Aloys zu Fürstenberg
  • Friedrich Freiherr von Hotze (Swiss)
  • Friedrich Adolf, Count von Kalckreuth
  • Pál Kray (Hungarian)
  • Charles Eugene, Prince of Lambesc (French)
  • Maximilian Baillet de Latour (Walloon)
  • Karl Mack von Leiberich
  • Rudolf Ritter von Otto (Saxon)
  • Prince Josias of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld
  • Peter Vitus von Quosdanovich
  • Prince Heinrich XV of Reuss-Plauen
  • Johann Mészáros von Szoboszló (Hungarian)
  • Karl Philipp Sebottendorf
  • Dagobert von Wurmser
Kerajaan Britania Raya Britania Raya
Republik Belanda Republik Belanda
Prusia Prusia
Kekaisaran Rusia Rusia
Spanyol Spanyol
  • Luis Firmín de Carvajal
  • Antonio Ricardos
Tokoh dan faksi berpengaruh lainnya
Society of 1789
and monarchiens
The Plain
dan Enragés
Pemikir berpengaruh
Efek budaya