사용 가능한 구조
PDB동원체 검색: PDBe RCSB
PDB ID 코드 목록

2ZEJ, 3D6T

다른 이름LRRK2, AURA17, DARDARIN, PARK8, RIPK7, ROCO2, leucine-rich repeat kinase 2, leucine rich repeat kinase 2
외부 IDOMIM: 609007 MGI: 1913975 HomoloGene: 18982 GeneCards: LRRK2
EC 번호2.7.11.1
유전자 위치 (인간)
12번 염색체
염색체12번 염색체[1]
12번 염색체
LRRK2의 유전자 위치
LRRK2의 유전자 위치
자리12q12시작40,196,744 bp[1]
40,369,285 bp[1]
유전자 위치 ()
15번 염색체 (쥐)
염색체15번 염색체 (쥐)[2]
15번 염색체 (쥐)
LRRK2의 유전자 위치
LRRK2의 유전자 위치
자리15|15 E3시작91,557,378 bp[2]
91,700,323 bp[2]
RNA 발현 패턴
최상위 발현
  • buccal mucosa cell

  • 단핵구

  • lower lobe of lung

  • 혈액

  • upper lobe of lung

  • upper lobe of left lung

  • 오른허파

  • 아킬레스건

  • 과립구

  • 내장가슴막
최상위 발현
  • 과립구

  • human kidney

  • 근위 세뇨관

  • left lung

  • left lung lobe

  • right kidney

  • superior frontal gyrus

  • lumbar spinal ganglion

  • 비장

  • 오른허파
추가 참조 발현 데이터

추가 참조 발현 데이터
유전자 온톨로지
분자 함수
  • protein homodimerization activity
  • signaling receptor complex adaptor activity
  • clathrin binding
  • co-receptor binding
  • transferase activity
  • GTPase activator activity
  • protein kinase activity
  • protein kinase A binding
  • peroxidase inhibitor activity
  • SNARE binding
  • nucleotide binding
  • identical protein binding
  • GTPase activity
  • syntaxin-1 binding
  • protein serine/threonine kinase activity
  • tubulin binding
  • transmembrane transporter binding
  • microtubule binding
  • MAP kinase kinase activity
  • GTP binding
  • ATP binding
  • GTP-dependent protein kinase activity
  • beta-catenin destruction complex binding
  • 단백질 결합
  • kinase activity
  • actin binding
  • magnesium ion binding
세포 성분
  • cytoplasmic vesicle
  • 엔도솜
  • 엑소좀
  • Wnt signalosome
  • neuronal cell body
  • trans-Golgi network
  • mitochondrial membranes
  • 연접
  • 세포질
  • mitochondrial outer membrane
  • synaptic vesicle membrane
  • 세포체
  • 소포체
  • 세포막
  • microvillus
  • 미토콘드리아 기질
  • dendrite cytoplasm
  • growth cone
  • cell projection
  • 수상돌기
  • 리소좀
  • neuron projection
  • Golgi-associated vesicle
  • 미토콘드리아
  • mitochondrial inner membrane
  • autolysosome
  • terminal bouton
  • intracellular anatomical structure
  • 세포막
  • 지질뗏목
  • 축삭
  • amphisome
  • multivesicular body, internal vesicle
  • 시냅스 소포
  • inclusion body
  • 세포연접
  • cytoplasmic side of mitochondrial outer membrane
  • 세포액
  • 골지체
  • postsynapse
  • 세포 바깥쪽
  • 세포핵
  • intracellular membrane-bounded organelle
  • caveola neck
  • endoplasmic reticulum exit site
  • glutamatergic synapse
  • presynaptic cytosol
  • ribonucleoprotein complex
생물학적 과정
  • lysosome organization
  • response to oxidative stress
  • cellular response to dopamine
  • regulation of autophagy
  • positive regulation of autophagy
  • positive regulation of dopamine receptor signaling pathway
  • regulation of neuroblast proliferation
  • intracellular distribution of mitochondria
  • negative regulation of protein processing
  • negative regulation of protein processing involved in protein targeting to mitochondrion
  • protein localization to mitochondrion
  • positive regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway
  • 오토파지
  • neuromuscular junction development
  • 인산화
  • positive regulation of protein binding
  • regulation of branching morphogenesis of a nerve
  • mitochondrion localization
  • positive regulation of protein autoubiquitination
  • regulation of synaptic vesicle transport
  • positive regulation of protein phosphorylation
  • regulation of kidney size
  • regulation of synaptic vesicle exocytosis
  • positive regulation of MAP kinase activity
  • peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation
  • MAPK cascade
  • Wnt signalosome assembly
  • 단백질 인산화
  • regulation of synaptic transmission, glutamatergic
  • 흥분성 시냅스후 전위
  • negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide-induced cell death
  • regulation of dopamine receptor signaling pathway
  • regulation of membrane potential
  • protein autophosphorylation
  • regulation of mitochondrial fission
  • regulation of neuron maturation
  • reactive oxygen species metabolic process
  • positive regulation of programmed cell death
  • regulation of neuron death
  • regulation of mitochondrial depolarization
  • cellular response to oxidative stress
  • negative regulation of late endosome to lysosome transport
  • intracellular signal transduction
  • regulation of lysosomal lumen pH
  • negative regulation of GTPase activity
  • locomotory exploration behavior
  • Golgi organization
  • canonical Wnt signaling pathway
  • neuron projection morphogenesis
  • positive regulation of protein ubiquitination
  • regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway
  • exploration behavior
  • cellular response to organic cyclic compound
  • tangential migration from the subventricular zone to the olfactory bulb
  • regulation of protein kinase A signaling
  • calcium-mediated signaling
  • negative regulation of thioredoxin peroxidase activity by peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation
  • negative regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
  • positive regulation of proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
  • negative regulation of neuron death
  • negative regulation of protein targeting to mitochondrion
  • peptidyl-serine phosphorylation
  • determination of adult lifespan
  • negative regulation of excitatory postsynaptic potential
  • negative regulation of protein phosphorylation
  • neuron death
  • GTP metabolic process
  • negative regulation of autophagosome assembly
  • olfactory bulb development
  • cellular response to starvation
  • regulation of dendritic spine morphogenesis
  • 세포 분화
  • 세포내이입
  • negative regulation of protein binding
  • mitochondrion organization
  • cellular response to manganese ion
  • negative regulation of macroautophagy
  • regulation of locomotion
  • positive regulation of GTPase activity
  • regulation of retrograde transport, endosome to Golgi
  • regulation of CAMKK-AMPK signaling cascade
  • positive regulation of histone deacetylase activity
  • endoplasmic reticulum organization
  • spermatogenesis
  • 유전자 발현의 조절
  • negative regulation of neuron projection development
  • striatum development
  • regulation of protein stability
  • positive regulation of nitric-oxide synthase biosynthetic process
  • regulation of ER to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport
  • protein localization to endoplasmic reticulum exit site
  • neuron projection arborization
  • regulation of synaptic vesicle endocytosis
  • positive regulation of synaptic vesicle endocytosis
  • positive regulation of microglial cell activation
  • protein import into nucleus
출처: Amigo / QuickGO









RefSeq (mRNA)






위치(UCSC)Chr 12: 40.2 – 40.37 MbChr 15: 91.56 – 91.7 Mb
PubMed 검색[3][4]
인간 보기/편집쥐 보기/편집

LRRK2(Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2)는 인간에서 암호화되는 대규모 다기능 키나제 효소이다. LRRK2 유전자에 의해. LRRK2는 류신이 풍부한 반복 키나제 계열에 속한다. 이 유전자의 변종은 파킨슨병 및 크론병의 위험 증가와 관련이 있다.


LRRK2 유전자는 아르마딜로 반복(ARM) 영역, 안키린 반복(ANK) 영역, 류신 풍부 반복(LRR) 도메인, 키나제 도메인, RAS 도메인, GTPase 도메인 및 WD40 도메인을 갖는 단백질을 코딩한다. 이 단백질은 주로 세포질에 존재하지만 미토콘드리아 외막과도 결합한다.

LRRK2는 파킨의 C-말단 R2 RING 핑거 도메인과 상호작용하고, 파킨은 LRRK2의 COR 도메인과 상호작용한다. 돌연변이 LRRK2의 발현은 신경모세포종 세포와 마우스 피질 뉴런에서 세포사멸 세포 사멸을 유도했다.

상염색체 우성 파킨슨병과 관련된 LRRK2 돌연변이의 발현은 생체 내 및 배양된 뉴런에서 수지상 나무의 단축 및 단순화를 유발한다. 이는 부분적으로 거대자가포식의 변화에 ​​의해 매개되며, 자가포식 단백질 LC3의 단백질 키나제 A 조절에 의해 예방될 수 있다. G2019S 및 R1441C 돌연변이는 시냅스 후 칼슘 불균형을 유발하여 미토파지에 의해 수상돌기에서 과도한 미토콘드리아 제거를 초래한다. LRRK2는 또한 샤페론 매개 자가포식의 기질이기도 하다.


  1. GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000188906 - 앙상블, May 2017
  2. GRCm38: Ensembl release 89: ENSMUSG00000036273 - 앙상블, May 2017
  3. “Human PubMed Reference:”. 《National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine》. 
  4. “Mouse PubMed Reference:”. 《National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine》. 

외부 링크

  • GeneReviews/NCBI/NIH/UW entry on LRRK2-Related Parkinson Disease
  • 의학주제표목 (MeSH)의 LRRK2+protein,+human