
Chaudoir, 1850
Antall arter: ca. 110
Habitat: på land
Utbredelse: Australia
Inndelt i

Sarothrocrepis er en slekt av løpebiller.


Nokså små, blanke, svarte løpebiller med en stor, gul flekk ved roten av hver dekkvinge.


Artene lever på sandete elve- og innsjøbredder. De er nattaktive jegere og kommer til lys.


Slekten er utbredt i Australia.

Systematisk inndeling

  • Ordenen biller, Coleoptera Linnaeus, 1758
    • Underordenen Adephaga Schellenberg, 1806
      • Overfamilien løpebiller og vannkalver, Caraboidea Latreille, 1802
        • Familien løpebiller, Carabidae Latreille, 1802
          • Underfamilien Lebiinae Bonelli, 1810
            • Stammen Cyclosomini Laporte de Castelnau, 1834
              • Gruppen Cyclosomina
                • Slekten Sarothrocrepis Chaudoir, 1850
                  • Sarothrocrepis adusta Baehr, 2018[1]
                  • Sarothrocrepis anchora Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis angulipennis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis archerensis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis athertonensis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis atriceps Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis basinigra Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis benefica (Newman, 1842)
                  • Sarothrocrepis bickeli Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis bribieana Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis brittoni Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis callidiformis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis cantrelli Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis carnavona Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis civica (Newman, 1840)
                  • Sarothrocrepis corticalis (Fabricius, 1801)
                  • Sarothrocrepis dimidiata Macleay, 1888
                  • Sarothrocrepis distinguenda Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis doyeni Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis elegans (Blackburn, 1901)
                  • Sarothrocrepis eudloensis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis expansicollis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis fasciata Macleay, 1871
                  • Sarothrocrepis fragilis (Blackburn, 1901)
                  • Sarothrocrepis gravis (Blackburn, 1901)
                  • Sarothrocrepis heathlandica Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis hippocrepis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis howea Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis humeralis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis humerata Sloane, 1900
                  • Sarothrocrepis immaculata Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis inquinata (Erichson, 1842)
                  • Sarothrocrepis integra Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis kalbarri Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis keepensis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis kimberleyana Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis lacertensis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis lacustris Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis lamingtonensis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis laticollis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis latior Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis latipalpis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis lemannae Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis liturata Macleay, 1888
                  • Sarothrocrepis longitarsis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis luctuosa (Newman, 1842)
                  • Sarothrocrepis m-fascigera Baehr, M., 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis m-maculata Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis macularis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis major Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis marginalis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis mastersii Macleay, 1871
                  • Sarothrocrepis melanopyga Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis monteithi Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis moreheadensis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis moretona Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis mucronata Sloane, 1907
                  • Sarothrocrepis nebulosa Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis nelsonensis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis nigricincta Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis nigricollis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis nigromarginata Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis nitens Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis notabilis Macleay, 1888
                  • Sarothrocrepis notata Macleay, 1888
                  • Sarothrocrepis obsoleta (Blackburn, 1892)
                  • Sarothrocrepis obtusa Sloane, 1917
                  • Sarothrocrepis occidentalis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis oenpelli Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis ornata Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis ovipennis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis pallida Macleay, 1871
                  • Sarothrocrepis palumae Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis paraburdoo Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis paracorticalis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis parvicollis (Blackburn, 1894)
                  • Sarothrocrepis peninsulae Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis permutata Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis piceitarsis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis poonae Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis posticalis (Guerin-Meneville, 1830)
                  • Sarothrocrepis promontoryi Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis pronotalis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis psittacina Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis queenslandica Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis sagittaria Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis scripta Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis serriplaga Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis setulosa Sloane, 1911
                  • Sarothrocrepis shannonensis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis similis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis simulans Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis sinuata Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis sinuatifasciata Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis sparsepilosa Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis storeyi Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis suavis Blackburn, 1890
                  • Sarothrocrepis suturalis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis tarsalis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis tolgae Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis transversa Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis tridens (Newman, 1840)
                  • Sarothrocrepis unimaculata Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis variegata Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis vicina Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis warrumbungle Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis webbensis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis welleslyana Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis werrikimbe Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis westralis Baehr, 2018
                  • Sarothrocrepis wilcanniae Baehr, 2018


  1. ^ Martin Baehr (2018) The cyclosomine genus Sarothrocrepis Chaudoir (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Cyclosomini). Spixiana 41: 211-. [1]

Eksterne lenker

  • Atlas of Living Australia - Sarothrocrepis [2]
  • (en) Sarothrocrepis i Encyclopedia of Life Rediger på Wikidata
  • (en) Sarothrocrepis i Global Biodiversity Information Facility Rediger på Wikidata
  • (en) Sarothrocrepis hos NCBI Rediger på Wikidata
  • Sarothrocrepis – detaljert informasjon på Wikispecies Rediger på Wikidata