Prêmio Sadosky

O Prêmio Sadosky (em inglês: AWM–Sadosky Prize in Analysis) é um prêmio concedido a cada dois anos pela Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) a uma jovem pesquisadora em análise matemática. Foi estabelecido em 2012 e leva o nome de Cora Sadosky, uma matemática especializada em análise que se tornou presidente da AWM.[1][2]


  • 2014: Svitlana Mayboroda, por sua pesquisa sobre "boundary value problems for second and higher order elliptic equations in non-smooth media".[3]
  • 2016: Daniela De Silva, por "fundamental contributions to the regularity theory of nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations and non-local integro-differential equations".[4]
  • 2018: Lillian Pierce, por pesquisas que "spans and connects a broad spectrum of problems ranging from character sums in number theory to singular integral operators in Euclidean spaces".[5]
  • 2020: Mihaela Ignatova, "in recognition of her contributions to the analysis of partial differential equations, in particular in fluid mechanics".[6]


  1. Pereyra, María Cristina; Marcantognini, Stefania; Stokolos, Alexander M.; Urbina, Wilfredo, eds. (2016), Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, Banach Spaces, and Operator Theory (Volume 1): Celebrating Cora Sadosky's life, ISBN 9783319309613, Association for Women in Mathematics Series, 4, Springer, p. ix 
  2. O'Connor, John J.; Robertson, Edmund F., «The Sadosky Prize in Analysis of the AWM», MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, consultado em 24 de fevereiro de 2021 
  3. «AWM Awards Inaugural Research Prizes» (PDF), Mathematics People, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 60 (7): 930, Agosto 2013 
  4. «Awards of the AWM» (PDF), Mathematics People, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 62 (8): 959–960, Setembro 2015 
  5. «Pierce Awarded Sadosky Prize» (PDF), Mathematics People, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 64 (8): 925, Setembro 2017 
  6. «AWM Awards Announced» (PDF), Mathematics People, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 66 (8): 1338–1339, Setembro 2019 

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