May Sinclair

May Sinclair

May Sinclair je bio pseudonim koji je koristila Mary Amelia St. Clair (1862 - 1946), popularna britanska spisateljica. Poznata je po više od dvadeset romana, novelama i poeziji. Bila je aktivna sufražistica i aktivan član Lige za žensko pravo glasa. Bila je i značajna kritičrka, sa snažnim utjecajem na modernističku poeziju i prozu; njoj se pripisuje izraz tok svijesti u književnom smislu.


  • Nakiketas and other poems (1886) kao Julian Sinclair
  • Essays in Verse (1892)
  • Audrey Craven (1897)
  • Mr and Mrs Nevill Tyson (1897) i The Tysons
  • Two Sides Of A Question (1901)
  • The Divine Fire (1904)
  • The Helpmate (1907)
  • The Judgment of Eve (1907) priče
  • The Immortal Moment (1908)
  • Outlines of Church History by Rudolf Sohm (1909) prijevod
  • The Creators (1910)
  • The Flaw in the Crystal (1912)
  • The Three Brontes (1912)
  • Feminism (1912) pamflet za Women’s Suffrage League
  • The Combined Maze (1913)
  • The Three Sisters (1914)
  • The Return of the Prodigal (1914)
  • A Journal of Impressions in Belgium (1915)
  • The Belfry (1916)
  • Tasker Jevons: The Real Story (1916)
  • The Tree of Heaven (1917)
  • A Defense of Idealism : Some Questions & Conclusions (1917)
  • Mary Olivier: A Life (1919)
  • The Romantic (1920)
  • Mr. Waddington of Wyck (1921)
  • Life and Death of Harriett Frean (1922)
  • Anne Severn and the Fieldings (1922)
  • The New Idealism (1922)
  • Uncanny Stories (1923)
  • A Cure of Souls (1924)
  • The Dark Night: A Novel in Unrhymed Verse (1924)
  • Arnold Waterlow (1924)
  • The Rector of Wyck (1925)
  • Far End (1926)
  • The Allinghams (1927)
  • History of Anthony Waring (1927)
  • Fame (1929)
  • Tales Told by Simpson (1930) priče
  • The Intercessor, and Other Stories (1931)

Eksterni linkovi

May Sinclair na Wikimedijinoj ostavi
  • A 2001 essay by Leigh Wilson (University of Westminster), from The Literary Encyclopedia
  • Djela čiji je autor May Sinclair na Projektu Gutenberg
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