
旗手Whitfield Fredrick Hayward
金牌 銀牌 銅牌 總計
0 0 0 0



运动员 小项 比赛 净得分 总排名
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Brownlow Gray 芬兰人级 29 DNF 29 21 32 27 18 1433 32
John Trimingham de Forest
Richard H. Divall
飞翔的荷兰人级 23 7 24 18 16 19 4 3007 16
Howard B. Eve
James W. Kempe
Richard H. Masters
龙级 25 5 7 14 16 16 14 2948 15
Albert F. Darrell
Walter J. Jones
Norman C. Jones
5.5米级 17 7 DNF 18 7 4 16 2297 12


  1. ^ Bermuda at the 1960 Summer Olympics. Olympedia. [2024-08-23]. 
  • 衣索比亞英语Ethiopia at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 迦納英语Ghana at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 肯亞英语Kenya at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 賴比瑞亞英语Liberia at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 摩洛哥英语Morocco at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 奈及利亞英语Nigeria at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 羅德西亞英语Rhodesia at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 南非英语South Africa at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 蘇丹英语Sudan at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 突尼西亞英语Tunisia at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 烏干達英语Uganda at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 阿拉伯聯合共和國英语United Arab Republic at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 阿根廷英语Argentina at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 巴哈馬英语Bahamas at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 百慕達英语Bermuda at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 巴西英语Brazil at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 英屬蓋亞那英语British Guiana at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 英屬西印度
  • 加拿大英语Canada at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 智利英语Chile at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 哥倫比亞英语Colombia at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 古巴英语Cuba at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 海地英语Haiti at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 墨西哥英语Mexico at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 荷屬安地列斯英语Netherlands Antilles at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 巴拿馬英语Panama at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 秘魯英语Peru at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 波多黎各英语Puerto Rico at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 蘇利南
  • 美國英语United States at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 烏拉圭英语Uruguay at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 委內瑞拉英语Venezuela at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 阿富汗英语Afghanistan at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 緬甸英语Burma at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 錫蘭英语Ceylon at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 福爾摩沙
  • 香港
  • 印度英语India at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 印度尼西亞英语Indonesia at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 伊朗英语Iran at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 伊拉克英语Iraq at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 以色列英语Israel at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 日本英语Japan at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 韓國英语South Korea at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 黎巴嫩英语Lebanon at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 馬來亞英语Malaya at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 巴基斯坦英语Pakistan at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 菲律賓英语Philippines at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 新加坡英语Singapore at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 泰國英语Thailand at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 越南
  • 奧地利英语Austria at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 比利時英语Belgium at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 保加利亞英语Bulgaria at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 捷克斯洛伐克英语Czechoslovakia at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 丹麥英语Denmark at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 芬蘭英语Finland at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 法國英语France at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 德國英语United Team of Germany at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 英國英语Great Britain at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 希臘英语Greece at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 匈牙利英语Hungary at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 冰島英语Iceland at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 愛爾蘭英语Ireland at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 義大利英语Italy at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 列支敦士登
  • 盧森堡英语Luxembourg at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 馬爾他英语Malta at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 摩納哥
  • 荷蘭英语Netherlands at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 挪威英语Norway at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 波蘭英语Poland at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 葡萄牙英语Portugal at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 羅馬尼亞英语Romania at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 聖馬利諾英语San Marino at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 蘇聯英语Soviet Union at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 西班牙英语Spain at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 瑞典英语Sweden at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 瑞士英语Switzerland at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 土耳其英语Turkey at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 南斯拉夫英语Yugoslavia at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 澳大利亞英语Australia at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 斐濟英语Fiji at the 1960 Summer Olympics
  • 紐西蘭英语New Zealand at the 1960 Summer Olympics