Integral graph

In the mathematical field of graph theory, an integral graph is a graph whose adjacency matrix's spectrum consists entirely of integers. In other words, a graph is an integral graph if all of the roots of the characteristic polynomial of its adjacency matrix are integers.[1]

The notion was introduced in 1974 by Frank Harary and Allen Schwenk.[2]


  • The complete graph Kn is integral for all n.[2]
  • The only cycle graphs that are integral are C 3 {\displaystyle C_{3}} , C 4 {\displaystyle C_{4}} , and C 6 {\displaystyle C_{6}} .[2]
  • If a graph is integral, then so is its complement graph; for instance, the complements of complete graphs, edgeless graphs, are integral. If two graphs are integral, then so is their Cartesian product and strong product;[2] for instance, the Cartesian products of two complete graphs, the rook's graphs, are integral.[3] Similarly, the hypercube graphs, as Cartesian products of any number of complete graphs K 2 {\displaystyle K_{2}} , are integral.[2]
  • The line graph of an integral graph is again integral. For instance, as the line graph of K 4 {\displaystyle K_{4}} , the octahedral graph is integral, and as the complement of the line graph of K 5 {\displaystyle K_{5}} , the Petersen graph is integral.[2]
  • Among the cubic symmetric graphs the utility graph, the Petersen graph, the Nauru graph and the Desargues graph are integral.
  • The Higman–Sims graph, the Hall–Janko graph, the Clebsch graph, the Hoffman–Singleton graph, the Shrikhande graph and the Hoffman graph are integral.
  • A regular graph is periodic if and only if it is an integral graph.
  • A walk-regular graph that admits perfect state transfer is an integral graph.
  • The Sudoku graphs, graphs whose vertices represent cells of a Sudoku board and whose edges represent cells that should not be equal, are integral.[4]


  1. ^ Weisstein, Eric W., "Integral Graph", MathWorld
  2. ^ a b c d e f Harary, Frank; Schwenk, Allen J. (1974), "Which graphs have integral spectra?", in Bari, Ruth A.; Harary, Frank (eds.), Graphs and Combinatorics: Proceedings of the Capital Conference on Graph Theory and Combinatorics at the George Washington University, Washington, D.C., June 18–22, 1973, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 406, Springer, pp. 45–51, doi:10.1007/BFb0066434, MR 0387124
  3. ^ Doob, Michael (1970), "On characterizing certain graphs with four eigenvalues by their spectra", Linear Algebra and its Applications, 3: 461–482, doi:10.1016/0024-3795(70)90037-6, MR 0285432
  4. ^ Sander, Torsten (2009), "Sudoku graphs are integral", Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 16 (1): Note 25, 7, MR 2529816